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ivo hora

Ivo is a rapper who created the widely popular Epic Rap Battles of Minecraft series. He and Matteo created Witch vs Villager and Snow Golem vs Blaze. Ivo guest stars in the Chisel This! Episode about the former.




Froggy is a rapper, writer, and director who has long been affiliated with ERBP. He pioneers his own YouTube channel, which has took a turn from Brickfilms into original rap  content.

His channel is Froggy7771.





Cam, also known as VGRB, is the creator of the widely popular Video Game Rap Battles, a series that pits characters affiliated with video games in lyrical war against eachother. He and Matteo are writers for his series on the channel VideoGameRapBattles.













Zander Kanack, a.k.a. WoodenHornets is the official editor of ERBParodies.  He is a great friend of the show, providing technical support and pitiful rap battles to joke about. His channel is WoodenHornets.



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